About Us

Golf cart paths. Nature trails. Top notch schools. A growing film industry. For some, this is all that comes to mind when they hear the words Peachtree City. A place of perceived safety and refuge, Peachtree City has been declared "The Bubble". For those of us who call this area home, we know our city to be a place of refuge in many ways. Yet we also know, deep down, that not all is right in our city. There are still lonely and isolated people. Brokenness abounds behind the veneer of well kept yards, nice cars, and smiling faces. People are longing for direction. People want something to which to give their lives. People want to be connected. Many are feeling the pain of wrecked families. Many are enslaved to various addictions. Some are skating through life, unaware that they are lost.

New York Times best selling author, David Brooks, penned these words describing much of American culture...

Born in abundance, inspired by opportunity, nurtured in imagination, spiritualized by a sense of God's blessing and call, and realized in ordinary life day by day, this Paradise Spell is the controlling ideology of American life. Just out of reach, just beyond the next ridge, just with the next home or entrepreneurial scheme or diet plan; just with the next political hero, the next credit-card purchase, or the next true love; just with the right all-terrain vehicle, the right summer home, the right meditation technique, or the right motivational seminar; just with the right schools, the right community values, and the proper morality; just with the right beer and a good set of buddies; just with the next technology or after the next shopping spree, there is this spot you can get to where all tensions melt, all time pressures are relieved, and all contentment can be realized...thereby producing a new Eden.

Though Brooks was not writing about a particular city, he might as well have been writing about the Peachtree City area. All around are people who are achievers. They are successful. They are striving. They are involved. They are driven. They have big dreams. Dreams that are just out of reach, but believing they might be achieved in the very near future. Moving just fast enough to avoid the tough questions of life. Claiming a belief in God, but if truth be told, they function without Him. A community of people, striving to be free, but who are increasingly enslaved. The hope is fading because the meaning just isn’t there.

It is within this context that CrossPointe Church Peachtree City exists. A church seeking to build upon the future-orientedness of this culture by infusing it with the hope and meaning that is only found through the Gospel. The desire for the new Eden is deep within all of us. We long for things to be as God intended them to be, but we know that not all is right in our lives or our city. What is needed is a fresh outpouring of the Gospel. Our city needs a church that will seek to be the answer to Jesus’ prayer: Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. We need a community of mobilized missionaries who seek to live in light of God’s redemptive story.