Community Groups

Community Groups are smaller bands of diverse, imperfect people who gather weekly to wrestle with the implications of the gospel in every sphere of life. These groups have an established set of rhythms designed to help people experience the joy of fellowship, the power of prayer, the truth of God’s Word, and the hope of the gospel in the midst of a culture of relational authenticity and transparency.
Week #1 — Family Dinner
Week #2 — Sermon-Based Discussion
Week #3 — Gospeling and Prayer
Week #4 — Sermon-Based Discussion

As you'll notice, Community Groups meet bi-weekly (weeks #2 and #4), with the purpose of establishing a dialogue driven by a set of sermon-based questions. Those questions are composed on the basis of the previous two sermons preached and are aimed at not only informing the mind but also transforming the heart. In between the two weeks involving sermon-based discussion is a once-a-month family dinner (week #1) and a once-a-month gospeling-and-prayer gathering (week #3).

When we say family dinner, we’re simply talking about the sharing of a meal as a Community Group (potluck, BBQ, restaurant outing, etc). The goal of the family dinner is to emphasize the joy of fellowship and to establish trust among group members. When we say gospeling-and-prayer gathering, we’re simply talking about coming together (1) to talk about the things that we’re facing in life, (2) to talk about how the good news of Jesus speaks into those things, and (3) to lift up one another to the Lord. In that regard, the goal of the gospeling-and-prayer gatherings is to emphasize the hope of the gospel and the power of prayer.

Joining a Community Group is a great way to meet people and build lasting friendships within our congregation. With that, our hope and prayer is that everyone who calls CrossPointe Peachtree City home would be part of such a group! We want to help you get connected. For more information regarding Community Groups, please email